19 December, 2009

Analogue aliens, digital friends

Kaido Kikkas writes that:

"The Internet can be a serious chance for disadvantaged people. If some young lady meets a young man who is using a wheelchair, then in 'real life', it takes some courage to even think about any closer relations." The Internet offers some additional options regarding this scenario. While online, these two people are considered equal, thus enabling to get to know the other person without bias.

As the above video so humorously illustrates, the Internet can be used to create an illusion of oneself. A digital persona, if you may.

In terms of minorities more and more elderly people have started participating in online discussions (newspaper commentaries), thus making their voice more visible. For example, a well-known IT advisor and journalist Arvo Mägi is currently 74 years old. The Internet has allowed the elderly to reinvent themselves and feel more in touch with the world today.

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