11 December, 2009

Knowledge: Artifical intelligence

Artificial intelligence is the holy grail of information technology. We try to imagine it and we strive for it constantly. The semantic web is a fairly simple concept: a network that will provide us with necessary data, without the excessive effort. A network that is able to "understand" our requests.

The concept may seem easy, but the implementation is not. There are a few initiatives (projects) that aspire to conquer these heights, unfortunately significant success is yet to be seen. The founder of the World Wide Web, Tim Berners Lee, is introducing his ideas regarding linked data in the following video.

A curious mind may want to check out these two projects:

DBpedia is a project aiming to extract structured information from the information created as part of the Wikipedia project (see source).

Wolfram Alpha is an answer engine developed by Wolfram Research. It is an online service that answers factual queries directly by computing the answer from structured data, rather than providing a list of documents or web pages that might contain the answer as a search engine would (see source).

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